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“Human Intestinal Organoid Culture Process -Resuscitation-アイコン"

Human Intestinal Organoid Culture Process

4. Resuscitation of frozen human intestine organoid

4-1. Operation

① Dissolve the cell stock in a 37°C warm water bath.

② Add 10 mL of Basal medium in a 15 mL tube and add ① (use a low-adsorption tip and low-adsorption tube due to easy adsorption).

③ Centrifuge (400 g × 3 min. at room temperature).

④ Remove the supernatant of the culture medium (after confirming that the cells have become pellets).

⑤ Centrifuge (400 g × 3 min. at room temperature).

⑥ Remove the remaining medium with a pipette (should be careful that no cells are being removed).

⑦ Add 30-50 µL of Basal medium to suspend the cells.

⑧ Collect a portion of the cell suspension, mix it with an equal volume of Trypan Blue Solution to stain the cells, and count the number of viable cells.

⑨ To seed 1,000 cells per well of a 48-well plate, collect necessary cells from ⑦ into a 1.5 mL tube and place the tube on ice.

⑩ Add Matrigel® to the cell suspension from ⑨ to prepare a cell density of 50,000 cells/mL (1,000 cells/20 µL).

※Matrigel® is a registered trademark of CORNING Incorporated.

Please refer to the video in 《Method 1 Establishment of human intestinal organoids》operation⑩

⑪ Make a dome by seeding 20 µL in each well of 48-well plate.

Please refer to the video in 《Method 1 Establishment of human intestinal organoids》operation ⑪

⑫ Warm up in a 37°C incubator for 10-15 minutes to gelatinize.

⑬ Add 250 µL/well of Organoid Growth Medium and incubate in an incubator (add slowly along the wall so that the Matrigel® does not collapses).

Please refer to the video in 《Method 1 Establishment of human intestinal organoids》operation ⑬

⑭ Change medium with Organoid Growth Medium every 2-3 days.

Please refer to the video in 《Method 1 Establishment of human intestinal organoids》operation⑭