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Human Intestinal Organoid Culture Process

1. Establishment of human intestinal organoids

1-1. Operation

① Lyse human intestinal epithelial cells in a 37°C water bath.

Lyse human intestinal epithelial cells in a 37°C water bath

② Add 10 mL of Basal medium in a 15 mL tube and add ①.

Add cell lysates to the tube with Basal medium

③ Centrifuge (400 g × 3 min. at room temperature).

④ Remove the supernatant of the culture medium (after confirming that cells have become pellets).

⑤ Centrifuge at 400 g for 3 minutes at room temperature.

⑥ Remove the remaining medium with a pipette (please be careful that no cells are being removed).

⑦ Add 1 mL of Basal medium to suspend the cells.

⑧ Collect a portion of the cell suspension, mix it with an equal volume of Trypan Blue Solution to stain the cells, and count the number of viable cells.

Images of viable (white) and dead (dark blue) cells
Images of viable (white) and dead (dark blue) cells

⑨ To seed 10,000-60,000 cells per well of a 24-well plate, collect necessary cells from ⑦ into a 1.5 mL tube and place the tube on ice.

⑩ Add Matrigel® to the cell suspension from ⑨ to prepare a cell density of 200,000-1,200,000 cells/mL (10,000-60,000 cells/50 µL).
(If Matrigel® is diluted below 70%, centrifuge the cell suspension in ⑦ and start the procedure again from ⑥.)

※Matrigel® is a registered trademark of CORNING Incorporated.

⑪ Make a dome by seeding 50 µL in each well of 24-well plate.

⑫ Warm up in a 37°C incubator for 10-15 minutes to gelatinize.

Warm up in a 37°C incubator for 10-15 minutes to gelatinize.

⑬ Add 500 µL/well of Organoid Growth Medium and incubate in an incubator (add slowly along the wall so that the Matrigel® does not collapses).

⑭ Change medium with Organoid Growth Medium every 2-3 days.

1-2. Example of establishment of intestinal organoids from human intestinal epithelial cells

The following figures are microscopic images (2x objective lens, scale bar = 100 µm) at day 6 and day 10 of culture
(seeding density: 30,000 cells/50 µL)