Exosomes were isolated using ExoCap Streptavidin Kit(Discontinued) and biotinylated antibodies (Anti-CD9 mAb-Biotin (Code No. MEX001-6) or Anti-CD63(LAMP-3) mAb-Biotin (Code No. MEX002-6)).
In each sample, stronger signal was observed with ExoCap compared to the ultracentrifugation method and Competitive Product A.
1. Input of HT29 sup.
2. Ultracentrifigation
3. Competitor A + Anti-CD9 mAb biotin (Code No. MEX001-6)
4. Exocap + Anti-CD9 mAb biotin (Code No. MEX001-6)
5. Competitor A + Anti-CD63 mAb biotin (Code No. MEX002-6)
6. Exocap + Anti-CD63 mAb biotin (Code No. MEX002-6)
Non-specific protein binding was lower with the ExoCap Streptavidin Kit(Discontinued) compared to the competitive product.
1. Ultracentrifigation
2. Competitor A + Anti-CD9 mAb biotin
3. ExoCap + Anti-CD9 mAb biotin
4. Competitor A + Anti-EpCAM mAb biotin
5. ExoCap + Anti-EpCAM mAb biotin
Note: The magnetic beads in Competitive Product A emit autofluorescence, while little autofluorescence is detected with the magnetic beads in ExoCap
Exosomes were isolated from HT29 cell culture supernatant using the ExoCap Streptavidin Kit(Discontinued) or Streptavidin beads from the competitor with biotin-labeled CD9 antibody, and FCM analysis was performed. The S/N ratio was better with the ExoCap Streptavidin Kit compared to the beads from the competitor.
Exosomes were isolated using the ExoCap Streptavidin Kit (Discontinued) and Anti-CD9 mAb-Biotin (Code No. MEX001-6). Nucleic acids were purified using
ExoCap Nucleic Acid Elution Buffer (Discontinued) and analyzed by qRT-PCR to detect miR-21.