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HOME > Product category > Autophagy > Featured products > Atg14, Beclin1, Rubicon, UVRAG
“Atg14, Beclin1, Rubicon, UVRAGアイコン"

Atg14, Beclin1, Rubicon, UVRAG

Atg14, Beclin1, Rubicon, and UVRAG form a class III PI3 kinase complex

Although identified as an essential factor for autophagy in yeast, Atg14 had no previously known mammalian homologue. However, a mammalian Atg14 homologue, Atg14L, has recently been discovered. Atg14L forms a class III PI3K complex with Beclin1, Vps34, and p150. The Atg14L complex has been shown to accumulate in the isolation membrane and to function as a positive regulatory factor for autophagosome formation in the early stage of autophagy. Moreover, it has also been demonstrated that localization of Atg14L occurs not only in the isolation membrane and autophagosome but also in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, suggesting a possible important role of the endoplasmic reticulum in autophagosome formation.
In contrast, the complex consisting of Beclin1, hVps34, p150, Rubicon, and UVRAG has been reported to regulate the processes of autophagosome/lysosome fusion (Autophagosome maturation) and endocytosis. These findings imply that the two important cell functions, autophagy and endocytosis, may be regulated by Atg14L and Rubicon via Beclin1.


Product data; Atg14 antibodies

■ Immunoprecipitation
Anti-Atg14 pAb(Code No. PD026)Immunoprecipitation

■ Western blotting
Anti-Atg14 (Human) mAb(Code No. M184-3)Western blotting

Product data; Beclin 1 antibody

■ Western blotting
Anti-Beclin 1 pAb(Code No. PD017)Western blotting

Product data; UVRAG antibodies

■ Western blotting
Anti-UVRAG mAb(Code No. M160-3)Western blotting

Product data; Rubicon antibodies

■ Western blotting
Anti-Rubicon (Human) mAb(Code No. M170-3, Clone:1H6)Immunoprecipitation

■ Western blotting
Anti-Rubicon (Human) pAb(Code No. PD027)Western blotting