Antibody detailed product information

Code No. MD-10-3
Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb
Price ¥70,400
Size 100 µL (1 mg/mL)
Availability (in Japan) 10 or more
(In Japan at 00:05, Feb 16, 2025 in JST)
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone UB2
(Immunized Animal)
Mouse IgG1
Applications FCM 10 µg/mL (final concentration)  
IH 10-20 µg/mL  
Other(blocking of FasL-mediated caspase activity induction) (PMID: 15753387)
Recombinant Human Fas
Reactivity [Gene ID]

Human[355], Mouse(-)

Storage buffer 1 mg/mL in PBS/50% glycerol, pH 7.2
Storage temp. -20°C
Conjugate Unlabeled
Manufacturer MBL
Alternative names APT1, FAS1, APO-1, FASTM, ALPS1A, TNFRSF6
Background It is now widely accepted that apoptosis plays an important role in the selection of immature thymocytes and Ag-primed peripheral T cells. Fas antigen is a cell-surface protein that mediates apoptosis. It is expressed in various tissues including the thymus and has structural homology with a number of cell-surface receptors, including tumor necrosis factor receptor and nerve growth factor receptor.
Related products SY-001 Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb
MD-10-4 Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb-FITC
MD-10-5 Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb-PE
MD-10-A48 Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb-Alexa Fluor™ 488
MD-11-3 Anti-Fas (CD95) (Human) mAb
M075-3 Mouse IgG1 (isotype control)
Product category Research area:Apoptosis Cell surface antigens

  1. Vega MI et al. Rituximab-induced inhibition of YY1 and Bcl-xL expression in Ramos non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cell line via inhibition of NF-kappa B activity: role of YY1 and Bcl-xL in Fas resistance and chemoresistance, respectively. J Immunol. 175, 2174-83 (2005)(PMID:16081784)

Flow Cytometry

  1. Boirivant M et al. Stimulated human lamina propria T cells manifest enhanced Fas-mediated apoptosis. J Clin Invest. 98, 2616-22 (1996)(PMID:11756562)
  2. Suhara T et al. Suppression of Akt signaling induces Fas ligand expression: involvement of caspase and Jun kinase activation in Akt-mediated Fas ligand regulation. Mol Cell Biol. 22, 680-91 (2002)(PMID:11756562)
  3. Suhara T et al. Homocysteine enhances endothelial apoptosis via upregulation of Fas-mediated pathways. Hypertension 43, 1208-13 (2004)(PMID:15117910)
  4. Mezosi E et al. Induction and regulation of Fas-mediated apoptosis in human thyroid epithelial cells. Mol Endocrinol. 19, 804-11(2005)(PMID:20855643)
  5. Vega MI et al. Rituximab-mediated cell signaling and chemo/immuno-sensitization of drug-resistant B-NHL is independent of its Fc functions. Clin Cancer Res. 15, 6582-94 (2009)(PMID:19861448)


  1. Kuwano K et al. The involvement of Fas-Fas ligand pathway in fibrosing lung diseases. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 20, 53-60 (1999)(PMID:9870917)
  2. Hiromatsu Y et al. Functional Fas ligand expression in thyrocytes from patients with Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 84, 2896-902 (1999)(PMID:10443697)
  3. Jinta T et al. The pathogenesis of chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis in common with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: expression of apoptotic markers. Am J Clin Pathol. 134, 613-20 (2010)(PMID:20855643)

Other(blocking of FasL-mediated caspase activity induction)

  1. Hauptschein R et al. Functional proteomic screen identifies a modulating role for CD44 in death receptor-mediated apoptosis. Cancer Res. 65, 1887-1896 (2005)(PMID:15753387)
  • The availability is based on the information in Japan at 00:05, Feb 16, 2025 in JST.
  • The special price is shown in red color.
  • Please note that products cannot be ordered from this website. To purchase the items listed in this website, please contact us or local distributers.
  • Abbreviations for applications:
    WB: Western Blotting, IH: Immunohistochemistry, IC: Immunocytochemistry, IP: Immunoprecipitation
    FCM: Flow Cytometry, NT: Neutralization, IF: Immunofluorescence, RIP: RNP Immunoprecipitation
    ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation
    DB: Dot Blotting, NB: Northern Blotting, RNA FISH: RNA Fluorescence in situ hybridization
  • For applications and reactivity:
    *: The use is reported in a research article (Not tested by MBL). Please check the data sheet for detailed information.
    **: The use is reported from the licenser (Under evaluation or not tested by MBL).
  • For storage temparature: RT: room temparature
  • Please note that products in this website might be changed or discontinued without notification in advance for quality improvement.
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