Antibody detailed product information

Code No. D067-4
Anti-ST2 (Human) mAb-FITC
Price ¥52,800
Size 100 µL (500 µg/mL)
Availability (in Japan) 10 or more
(In Japan at 00:05, Feb 20, 2025 in JST)
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 2A5
(Immunized Animal)
Mouse IgG1
Applications FCM 10 µg/mL  
Secreted form of ST7 purified from the culture supernatant of COS7 transfectant
Reactivity [Gene ID]


Storage buffer PBS/1% BSA/0.1% ProClin 150
Storage temp. 4°C
Conjugate FITC
Manufacturer MBL
Alternative names IL1RL1, interleukin 1 receptor-like 1, T1, DER4, ST2L, ST2V, FIT-1, IL33R

The ST2 gene, also known as T1, Fit1, or DER4, was originally identified as a responsive gene that was highly induced by stimulation of various proliferation-inducing agents including serum, PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), FGF (fibroblast growth factor), or lysophosphatidic acid in murine fibroblasts. Three distinct forms of gene products have been reported and named ST2, ST2V, and ST2L.

ST2 is a soluble secreted form of 37 kDa protein, which lacks intracellular domain, whereas ST2L is a transmembrane form of 62 kDa protein (the glycosylated forms of ST2 and ST2L are about 57 and 80 kDa, respectively). This ST2L protein is very similar to IL-1R (interleukin-1 receptor) type I and II in structure, thus it is considered as a member of the IL-1R family. ST2V, which is another novel variant form of human ST2, has been identified recently.

ST2 proteins are expressed in the wide variety types of human cells, including hematopoietic cells in various stages of differentiation, a population of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy individuals, glioblastoma and astrocytoma cell lines, and colon cancer cells in addition to fibroblast cell lines. Thus ST2 proteins are considered to have some roles in regulating cell growth or proliferation. On the other hand, either definitive functions of ST2 proteins or their ligand molecule(s) which binds to ST2 proteins have remained unclear, though it has been reported that none of IL-1a, b, RA (receptor antagonist) binds to ST2 proteins in spite of their structural similarity to IL-1R. This indicates that ST2L protein is functionally independent from IL-1R. Furthermore, several studies have shown that ST2L is expressed on the cell surface of Th2 cells but not on the Th1 cells, indicating the possibility that ST2L protein participates not only in the regulation of cell growth or proliferation, but also in the immune system including differentiation of T cells or immunological response via helper T cells.

From these observations, ST2 proteins are considered to be one of the important proteins participate in various physiological phenomenon, thus further analysis are required to understand its physiological functions.

Related products D067-3 Anti-ST2 (Human) mAb
D066-3 Anti-ST2 (Human) mAb
D065-3 Anti-ST2 (Human) mAb
D067-5 Anti-ST2 (Human) mAb-PE
Product category Research area:Cancer Cell surface antigens
  1. Kim SJ et al. Preprogrammed, parallel on-chip immunoassay using system-level capillarity control. Anal Chem. 85, 6902-7 (2013)(PMID:23789820)

Flow Cytometry

  1. Pecaric-Petkovic T et al. Human basophils and eosinophils are the direct target leukocytes of the novel IL-1 family member IL-33. Blood 113, 1526-34 (2009)(PMID:18955562)
  2. Bianchetti L et al. IL-33 promotes the migration and proliferation of circulating fibrocytes from patients with allergen-exacerbated asthma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 426, 116-21 (2012)(PMID:22921786)
  • The availability is based on the information in Japan at 00:05, Feb 20, 2025 in JST.
  • The special price is shown in red color.
  • Please note that products cannot be ordered from this website. To purchase the items listed in this website, please contact us or local distributers.
  • Abbreviations for applications:
    WB: Western Blotting, IH: Immunohistochemistry, IC: Immunocytochemistry, IP: Immunoprecipitation
    FCM: Flow Cytometry, NT: Neutralization, IF: Immunofluorescence, RIP: RNP Immunoprecipitation
    ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation
    DB: Dot Blotting, NB: Northern Blotting, RNA FISH: RNA Fluorescence in situ hybridization
  • For applications and reactivity:
    *: The use is reported in a research article (Not tested by MBL). Please check the data sheet for detailed information.
    **: The use is reported from the licenser (Under evaluation or not tested by MBL).
  • For storage temparature: RT: room temparature
  • Please note that products in this website might be changed or discontinued without notification in advance for quality improvement.
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