キット・タンパク質・ベクターなど 製品詳細情報

Code No. CY-1253V2
CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2
価格(税別) ¥57,200
包装 100 Assays
在庫 10以上
(2024/07/02 17:00時点)
キット構成品 NAD+/NADH Assay Buffer (20X), WST-1, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase), Diaphorase, EtOH Solution, 400 µM NADH, 20X Standard Dilution Buffer
使用目的 This Kit provides a convenient method for sensitive measurement of NAD+, NADH and their ratio in cell extracts. This kit is designed for specific detection of NAD+ and NADH by an enzyme cycling reaction.
保存温度 -80°C
メーカー MBL
サンプル Cell lysate
関連製品 CY-1251V2 CycLex® NAMPT Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1252V2 CycLex® NMNAT1 Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1150V2 CycLex® HDACs Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1151V2 CycLex® SIRT1/Sir2 Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1152V2 CycLex® SIRT2 Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1153V2 CycLex® SIRT3 Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1156V2 CycLex® SIRT6 Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1158V2 CycLex® HDAC8 Deacetylase Fluorometric Assay Kit Ver.2
CY-1140 CycLex® Cellular Histone Acetylation Assay Kit
CY-E1251 NAMPT (Human, Active)
CY-M1035 Anti-NAMPT mAb
製品カテゴリー 分野:がん ドラッグディスカバリー

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  2. Adamovich Y et al. The protein level of PGC-1α, a key metabolic regulator, is controlled by NADH-NQO1. Mol Cell Biol. 33, 2603-13 (2013)(PMID: 23648480
  3. Ji B et al. Inhibition of protein translation by the DISC1-Boymaw fusion gene from a Scottish family with major psychiatric disorders. Hum Mol Genet. 23, 5683-705 (2014)(PMID: 24908665
  4. Prud'homme GJ et al. GABA protects pancreatic beta cells against apoptosis by increasing SIRT1 expression and activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 452, 649-54 (2014)(PMID: 25193706

※在庫につきましては2024年07月02日 17時00分時点における在庫数を表示してあります。
※保存温度の表記について: RT: 室温

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