抗体 製品詳細情報

Code No. PM037
This antibody reacts with GABARAP on Western blotting and Immunocytochemistry. It does not react with LC3 and GATE16.
価格(税別) ¥52,800
包装 100 µL
在庫 10以上
(2025/01/17 00:05時点)
クローナリティー Polyclonal
クローン Polyclonal
Rabbit Ig (aff.)
使用法 WB 1:1,000  
IC 1:100  
免疫原(抗原) Carrier protein conjugated GABARAP N-terminal synthetic peptide
交差性 [Gene ID]

Human[11337], Mouse[56486], Rat[58974], Hamster[100767236]

性状 PBS/50% glycerol, pH 7.2
保存温度 -20°C
標識 Unlabeled
メーカー MBL
別称 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein, MM46, ATG8A, GABARAP-a
背景 Autophagy is a process of intracellular bulk degradation in which cytoplasmic components including organelles are sequestered within double-membrane vesicles that deliver the contents to the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. LC3, GAPARAP (γ-aminobutyric-acid-type-A-receptor-associated protein), and GATE-16 (Golgi-associated ATPase enhancer of 16 kDa) have been identified as a homologue of yeast Atg8. These homologues have been characterized as modifiers in reactions mediated by hAtg7 (an E1-like enzyme) and hAtg3 (an E2-like enzyme) as in yeast Atg8 lipidation. These homologues also generate form II, which are recovered in membrane fractions. Generation of the form II correlates with autophagosome association. These results suggest that all mammalian Atg8 homologues receive a common modification to associate with autophagosomal membrane as the form II.
関連製品 M135-3 Anti-GABARAP mAb
PM038 Anti-GATE-16 pAb
PM072 Anti-VMP1 pAb
PM036 Anti-LC3 pAb
M152-3 Anti-LC3 mAb
M186-3 Anti-LC3 mAb
PD014 Anti-LC3 pAb
PM045 Anti-p62 (SQSTM1) pAb
M162-3 Anti-p62 (SQSTM1) (Human) mAb
PM066 Anti-p62 C-terminal pAb
M133-3 Anti-Atg3 mAb
PM039 Anti-Atg7 (Human) pAb
PM090 Anti-Atg8 (Filamentous fungi) pAb
M152-3MS Anti-LC3 mAb for My select sampler set
製品カテゴリー 分野:オートファジー

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  1. Tanida I et al. In vitro assays of lipidation of Mammalian Atg8 homologs. Curr. Protoc. Cell Biol. 646, 11.20.1-13 (2014)(PMID:25181299)
  1. Szalai P et al. Autophagic bulk sequestration of cytosolic cargo is independent of LC3, but requires GABARAPs. Exp Cell Res. 333, 21-38 (2015)(PMID:25684710)

Western Blotting

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  4. Winer H et al. Autophagy differentially regulates TNF receptor Fn14 by distinct mammalian Atg8 proteins. Nat Commun. 9, 3744 (2018)(PMID:30218067)
  5. Saladini S et al. Metformin Impairs Glutamine Metabolism and Autophagy in Tumour Cells. Cells 8, E49 (2019)(PMID:30646605)
  6. Qiao J et al. Identification of AaAtg8 as a marker of autophagy and a functional autophagy-related protein in Aedes albopictus. PeerJ. 6, e5988 (2018)(PMID:30498644)
  7. Saladini S et al. Metformin Impairs Glutamine Metabolism and Autophagy in Tumour Cells. Cells. 8, pii: E49 (2019) (PMID:30646605)


  1. Li C et al. Spermine synthase deficiency causes lysosomal dysfunction and oxidative stress in models of Snyder-Robinson syndrome. Nat Commun. 8, 1257 (2017)(PMID:29097652)

※在庫につきましては2025年01月17日 00時05分時点における在庫数を表示してあります。
WB: Western Blotting, IH: Immunohistochemistry, IC: Immunocytochemistry, IP: Immunoprecipitation,
FCM: Flow Cytometry NT: Neutralization, IF: Immunofluorescence, RIP: RNP Immunoprecipitation,
ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation,
DB: Dot Blotting, NB: Northern Blotting, RNA FISH: RNA Fluorescence in situ hybridization

ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation
*: 論文で報告されております(MBLでは未確認)。詳しくはデータシートをご覧ください。
**: 導入元からの情報です(MBLでは評価中もしくは未確認)。
※保存温度の表記について: RT: 室温

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