抗体 製品詳細情報

Code No. D335-3
Anti-BMAL1 mAb
This antibody can react with mouse and human BMAL1.
価格(税別) ¥52,800
包装 100 µL (1 mg/mL)
在庫 10以上
(2025/02/08 00:05時点)
クローナリティー Monoclonal
クローン B1BH2
Mouse IgG1 κ
使用法 WB 1-10 µg/mL  
ChIP* reported.  (PMID: 24591654)
免疫原(抗原) bHLH domain (Ala73-Ala128) of mouse Bmal1
交差性 [Gene ID]

Human[406], Mouse[11865]

性状 1 mg/mL in PBS/50% glycerol, pH 7.2
保存温度 -20°C
標識 Unlabeled
メーカー MBL
別称 Arntl, aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like, MOP3, Arnt3, BMAL1b, bHLHe5, bmal1b
関連製品 D333-3 Anti-CLOCK (Mouse) mAb
D334-3 Anti-CLOCK (Mouse) mAb
RN032P Anti-CIRBP pAb
PM092 Anti-NR1D1 (Rev-erbα) pAb
PM087 Anti-Chrono (Mouse) pAb
D349-3 Anti-CLOCK mAb
PM079 Anti-DBP (Mouse) pAb
PM081 Anti-Cry1 (Mouse) pAb
PM082 Anti-Cry2 (Mouse) pAb
PM083 Anti-Per2 (Mouse) pAb
PM096 Anti-PER2 (Human) pAb
PM097 Anti-NFIL3 (E4BP4) pAb
M219-3 Anti-RORγt mAb
PM091 Anti-Per1 (Mouse) pAb
PM093 Anti-NR1D2 (Rev-erbβ) pAb
製品カテゴリー 分野:概日リズム シグナル伝達


Western Blotting

  1. Yoshitane H et al. Roles of CLOCK phosphorylation in suppression of E-box-dependent transcription. Mol Cell Biol 29, 3675-86 (2009)(PMID:19414601)
  2. Yoshitane H et al. JNK regulates the photic response of the mammalian circadian clock. EMBO Rep. 13, 455-61 (2012)(PMID:22441692)
  3. Kon N et al. CaMKII is essential for the cellular clock and coupling between morning and evening behavioral rhythms. Genes Dev. 28, 1101-10 (2014)(PMID:24831701)
  4. Masuda S et al. Mutation of a PER2 phosphodegron perturbs the circadian phosphoswitch. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117, 10888-10896 (2020)(PMID:32354999)


  1. Yoshitane H et al. CLOCK-controlled polyphonic regulation of circadian rhythms through canonical and noncanonical E-boxes. Mol Cell Biol 34, 1776-87 (2014)(PMID:24591654)

※在庫につきましては2025年02月08日 00時05分時点における在庫数を表示してあります。
WB: Western Blotting, IH: Immunohistochemistry, IC: Immunocytochemistry, IP: Immunoprecipitation,
FCM: Flow Cytometry NT: Neutralization, IF: Immunofluorescence, RIP: RNP Immunoprecipitation,
ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation,
DB: Dot Blotting, NB: Northern Blotting, RNA FISH: RNA Fluorescence in situ hybridization

ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation
*: 論文で報告されております(MBLでは未確認)。詳しくはデータシートをご覧ください。
**: 導入元からの情報です(MBLでは評価中もしくは未確認)。
※保存温度の表記について: RT: 室温

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