抗体 製品詳細情報

Code No. D093-3
Anti-Phosphorylated Vimentin (Ser71) mAb
価格(税別) ¥52,800
包装 100 µL (1 mg/mL)
在庫 10以上
(2025/02/10 00:05時点)
クローナリティー Monoclonal
クローン TM71
Rat IgG2a
使用法 WB 1 µg/mL  
IC 1-5 μg/mL  
免疫原(抗原) KLH-phophorylated PV71(CAVLRpSSVPGV)
交差性 [Gene ID]

Human[7431], Mouse[22352], Rat[81818]

性状 1 mg/mL in PBS/50% glycerol, pH 7.2
保存温度 -20°C
標識 Unlabeled
メーカー MBL
背景 Components of intermediate filaments provide information on the origin of vertebrate cells. Antibody to vimentin can be used as to identify the vimentin subclass of intermediate filaments. Vimentin is a ~58 kDa, widely expressed protein that thought to be involved mainly in structural processes, such as wound healing. Scientists have also recently determined that activated human macrophages secrete vimentin into the extracellular space, and overproduction of vimentin has been associated with cellular senescence.
関連製品 D076-3 Anti-Phosphorylated Vimentin (Ser55) mAb
製品カテゴリー 分野:シグナル伝達


Western Blotting

  1. Lei S et al. ROCK is involved in vimentin phosphorylation and rearrangement induced by dengue virus. Cell Biochem Biophys. 67, 1333-42 (2013)(PMID:23737341)
  2. Bauer PO et al. ROCK-phosphorylated vimentin modifies mutant huntingtin aggregation via sequestration of IRBIT. Mol Neurodegener. 7, 43 (2012)(PMID:22929228)


  1. Lei S et al. ROCK is involved in vimentin phosphorylation and rearrangement induced by dengue virus. Cell Biochem Biophys. 67, 1333-42 (2013)(PMID:23737341)

※在庫につきましては2025年02月10日 00時05分時点における在庫数を表示してあります。
WB: Western Blotting, IH: Immunohistochemistry, IC: Immunocytochemistry, IP: Immunoprecipitation,
FCM: Flow Cytometry NT: Neutralization, IF: Immunofluorescence, RIP: RNP Immunoprecipitation,
ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation,
DB: Dot Blotting, NB: Northern Blotting, RNA FISH: RNA Fluorescence in situ hybridization

ChIP: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, CoIP: Co-Immunoprecipitation
*: 論文で報告されております(MBLでは未確認)。詳しくはデータシートをご覧ください。
**: 導入元からの情報です(MBLでは評価中もしくは未確認)。
※保存温度の表記について: RT: 室温

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